still hoping....why?


my dear readers,

Saya tak tahu kenapa hari ini hati saya sgt tersentuh. I feel like really miss someone...Yes! I do miss someone. Oh my Allah, how can this happen? Yeah, it's impossible for me to erase it from my mind, and seriously I managed to not even recall that memory.

But, Saya dah termimpi pasal dia 4 kali. Saya dah tak tahu nak buat apa. It's so sudden.

During my last birthday, I hope for nothing else but just one I really ask from Allah so that He can return back to me what He has taken. Tapi ianya tak seperti apa yg saya harapkan.

Ya, saya redha. I know that Allah knows best. He know what is the best for me.

Tapi kenapa hari ini semua tu boleh datang balik. Saya tak mintak pown! Saya tak nak!

Is that mean I can still hoping for that to happen?

Mengalir air mata saya masa tulis entry ni. Saya rasa sedih sgt.

O Allah, aku redha atas apa yg Kau tetapkan utk ku. aku yakin Kau lebih mengetahui segalanya.
aku mohon ya Allah, Kau tabahkanlah hati ku ini bagi menerima segala ketentuanMu ya Allah.
amin ya Rabbal alamin......
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